Subscribe / Unsubscribe to UNMBio-L

Email method of subscribing to our list:

  1. Compose an email message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank.
  3. In the body of the message only enter the following, replacing Firstname Lastname with your first and last name: subscribe UNMBIO-L Firstname Lastname
  4. You will receive a confirmation email; follow the instructions to approve the request to join.


Email method of unsubscribing from our list:

  1. Compose an email message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank.
  3. In the body of the message enter only the following "unsubscribe" command: unsubscribe UNMBIO-L

    The body of the message should contain only the unsubscribe command -- delete any signatures or other characters before sending the message.
  4. You will receive an email response confirming your removal from the List.

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