Subscribe / Unsubscribe to UNMBio-L
Email method of subscribing to our list:
- Compose an email message to
- Leave the subject line blank.
- In the body of the message only enter the following, replacing Firstname Lastname with your first and last name: subscribe UNMBIO-L Firstname Lastname
- You will receive a confirmation email; follow the instructions to approve the request to join.
Email method of unsubscribing from our list:
- Compose an email message to
- Leave the subject line blank.
- In the body of the message enter only the following "unsubscribe" command: unsubscribe UNMBIO-L
The body of the message should contain only the unsubscribe command -- delete any signatures or other characters before sending the message. - You will receive an email response confirming your removal from the List.
For further assistance, please submit a Help.UNM ticket or contact UNM Information Technologies Customer Support Services (IT CSS) by calling (505) 277-5757