Robert R. Parmenter

Photo: Robert R. Parmenter

Research Associate Professor


Ph.D., Biology/Ecology, Utah State University, Logan, 1982
M.S., Zoology, University of Georgia, Athens, 1978
B.A., Biology, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, 1974

Curriculum vitae

Research Area(s)

Animal Ecology,  Aquatic Ecology,  Conservation Biology,  Invertebrate Biology,  Plant Biology,  Riparian Ecology,  Terrestrial Ecology,  Vertebrate Biology

Research Interests:

Ecosystem management and forest/grassland/wetland restoration; fire ecology; fisheries and wildlife management; climatic influences on plant and animal populations; disturbance and successional processes; plant-animal interactions; predator-prey relationships of both vertebrates and invertebrates; tree masting; decomposition and nutrient cycling; ecology of zoonotic diseases

Selected Publications:

Parmenter, R. R., A. R. Grendys, D. W. Pittenger, and G. McCurdy. 2024. Effects of an annular solar eclipse on montane stream water quality in New Mexico, USA. Freshwater Science. In press April, 2024.

Parmenter, R. R., and M. V. Losleben. 2023. Influence of mixed conifer forest thinning and prescribed fire on soil temperature and moisture dynamics in proximity to forest logs: A case study in New Mexico, USA. Forests 14, 1117.

Parmenter, R. R., and G. E. Glass. 2021. Hantavirus outbreaks in the American Southwest: Propagation and retraction of rodent and virus diffusion waves from sky-island refugia. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2140052,

Parmenter, R. R., R. I. Zlotin, D. I. Moore, and O. B. Myers.  2018.  Environmental and endogenous drivers of tree mast production and synchrony in piñon-juniper-oak woodlands of New Mexico.  Ecosphere 9(8):e02360.

Parmenter, R. R., C. M. Crisafulli, T. E. Blackman, C. A. Parmenter, G. L. Parsons, D. Shpeley, and J. A. MacMahon. 2018.  Primary succession on the Mount St. Helens volcano: Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) community assembly and species turnover, 1980-2010.  Pp. 217-233. In: C. M. Crisafulli and V. H. Dale (Eds.).  Ecological responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 years after the 1980 eruption.  Springer, New York, NY, USA.

Parmenter, R. R., M. Kreutzian, D. I. Moore, and D. C. Lightfoot.  2011.  Short-term effects of a summer wildfire on a desert grassland arthropod community in New Mexico.  Environmental Entomology, 40:1051-1066.

Parmenter, R. R., and J. A. MacMahon.  2009.  Carrion decomposition and nutrient cycling in a semi-arid shrub-steppe ecosystem.  Ecological Monographs, 79:637-661.

Parmenter, R. R.  2009.  Applying hydrology to land management on the Valles Caldera National Preserve.  Southwest Hydrology, March/April 2009:22-23.

Parmenter, R. R.  2008.  Long-term effects of a summer fire on desert grassland plant demographics in New Mexico.  Journal of Rangeland Ecology and Management, 61:156-168.;jsessionid=99DB52D490063695CE9791033356F167?sequence=1


National Park Service, Inter-Mountain Region, Professional Excellence in Natural Resources (2023)

Ecological Society of America, Sustainability Award (2008)