Dr. Maggie Werner-Washburne Elected President Of SACNAS National Board
Posted: Jan 10, 2013 - 12:00pm

SACNAS, the Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science, recently announced the election of its 15-member National Board of Directors. Among those elected was University of New Mexico Regents' Professor of Biology Maggie Werner-Washburne as president of the board. Werner-Washburne's three-year appointment began Jan. 4. The first two years as president and the third as past-president.
Based in Santa Cruz, Calif., SACNAS is a nonprofit corporation that fosters the success of Hispanic/Chicano & Native American scientists, from college students to professionals, to attain advanced degrees, careers and positions of leadership in science.
Werner-Washburne has several goals as president including one that should interest UNM and the state of New Mexico which is to improve outreach to students like those who come to UNM as freshmen.
Read the full article at UNM Newsroom