Dr. Dave Hanson A Winner In The Algae Industry Magazine's 2015 International Readers' Poll
Posted: Jan 14, 2016 - 01:00pm

At the University of New Mexico, Dr. David Hanson's lab focuses on the "dark side" of photosynthesis, a.k.a. the carbon reactions and, on particular, photosynthetic electron transport and photoprotection. In recent years, he has also become interested in the interactions between photosynthesis and respiration in illuminated leaves. His favorite organisms to study are bryophytes (especially hornworts) and other early land plants, though he works with everything from cyanobacteria to poplar trees. He has just finished co-editing volume 37 of the series Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration entitled "Photosynthesis in Bryophytes and Early Land Plants" with Prof. Steven Rice of Union College.