This month in publications...
Posted: Aug 11, 2023 - 12:00pm

Here are some of the publications from July that are authored by UNM Biology's faculty, staff, and students:
Alexandre NM, Alexander C Cameron, David Tian, Kamalakar Chatla, Sree R R Kolora, Noah K Whiteman, Thomas F Turner, Peter N Reinthal. Chromosome-level Reference Genomes of Two Imperiled Desert Fishes: Spikedace (Meda fulgida) and Loach Minnow (Tiaroga cobitis), G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2023;, jkad157,
Brantley EM, Arden G Jones, Alicia M Hodson, John W Brown, Michael G Pogue, Martina M Suazo, Robert R Parmenter. Short-term effects of a high-severity summer wildfire on conifer forest moth (Lepidoptera) communities in New Mexico, USA, Environmental Entomology, 2023;, nvad068,
Casadei, E., Mani, A., Cisco, M., Øyvind Vågnes, Irene Salinas & Sonal Patel. Sex-dependent effects of mechanical delousing on the skin microbiome of broodstock Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Sci Rep 13, 10824 (2023).
CHAVES, G., RYAN MJ, BOLAÑOS F, MÁRQUEZ C, KÖHLER G, POE S. 2023. Two new species of semiaquatic Anolis (Squamata: Dactyloidae) from Costa Rica. Zootaxa, VOL. 5319 NO. 2: 25.
Conradie SR, Michael R. Kearney, Blair O. Wolf, Susan J. Cunningham, Marc T. Freeman, Ryno Kemp, Andrew E. McKechnie; An evaluation of a biophysical model for predicting avian thermoregulation in the heat. J Exp Biol 1 August 2023; 226 (15): jeb245066. doi:
DeRaad, D. A., McCullough, J. M., DeCicco, L. H., Hime, P. M., Joseph, L., Andersen, M. J., & Moyle, R. G. (2023). Mitonuclear discordance results from incomplete lineage sorting, with no detectable evidence for gene flow, in a rapid radiation of Todiramphus kingfishers. Molecular Ecology, 00, 1–19.
Douchet P, Benjamin Gourbal, Eric S. Loker, Olivier Rey. 2023. Schistosoma transmission: scaling-up competence from hosts to ecosystems, Trends in Parasitology, Volume 39, Issue 7, Pages 563-574.
Francis, E.J., Pourmohammadi, P., Steel, Z.L. Brandon M. Collins, Matthew D. Hurteau. Proportion of forest area burned at high-severity increases with increasing forest cover and connectivity in western US watersheds. Landsc Ecol (2023).
Freitas FV, Michael G Branstetter, Vinícius H Franceschini-Santos, Achik Dorchin, Karen W Wright, Margarita M López-Uribe, Terry Griswold, Fernando A Silveira, Eduardo A B Almeida. UCE phylogenomics, biogeography, and classification of long-horned bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Eucerini), with insights on using specimens with extremely degraded DNA, Insect Systematics and Diversity, Volume 7, Issue 4, July 2023, 3,
Hobson Keith A., Whiteman John P., Newsome Seth D. 2023. Editorial: New frontiers in the application of stable isotopes to ecological and ecophysiological research. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Vol 11.
Nichols J, Asmita Kaphle, Paige Tunby, Aashish Khandelwal, Justin Reale, David Van Horn, Ricardo González-Pinzón. Longitudinal propagation of aquatic disturbances from the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA, 10 July 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.
Osborne MJ, Megan A. Barela Hudgell, Guilherme Caeiro-Dias & Thomas F. Turner (2023) The complete mitochondrial genomes of two imperiled species endemic to the Southwestern United States: Peppered Chub (Macrhybopsis tetranema) and Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae), Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 8:8, 809-814,
Osborne, M. J., Archdeacon, T. P., Yackulic, C. B., Dudley, R. K., Caeiro-Dias, G., & Turner, T. F. (2023). Genetic erosion in an endangered desert fish during a multidecadal megadrought despite long-term supportive breeding. Conservation Biology, 00, 00–00.
Peltier, D.M.P., Carbone, M.S., McIntire, C.D., Robertson, N., Thompson, R.A., Malone, S., LeMoine, J., Richardson, A.D., McDowell, N.G., Adams, H.D., Pockman, W.T. and Trowbridge, A.M. (2023), Carbon starvation following a decade of experimental drought consumes old reserves in Pinus edulis. New Phytol.
Rudgers, Jennifer A., Luketich, Anthony, Bacigalupa, Melissa, Baur, Lauren E., Collins, Scott L., Hall, Kristofer M., Hou, Enqing, Marcy E. Litvak, Yiqi Luo, Tom E. X. Miller, Seth D. Newsome, William T. Pockman, Andrew D. Richardson, Alex Rinehart, Melissa Villatoro-Castañeda, Brooke E. Wainwright, Samantha J. Watson, Purbendra Yogi, Yu Zhou. 2023. “ Infrastructure to Factorially Manipulate the Mean and Variance of Precipitation in the Field.” Ecosphere 14(7): e4603.
Shankar A, Kenneth C Welch, Jr., Erich R Eberts, Fritz Geiser, Shayne Halter, Lara Keicher, Danielle L Levesque, Julia Nowack, Blair O Wolf, Sophia W Wolfe. Daily Torpor in Birds and Mammals: Past, Present, and Future of the Field, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2023;, icad095,
Taylor KL, Charles S Henry, Timothy E Farkas. Why fake death? Environmental and genetic control of tonic immobility in larval lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Journal of Insect Science, Volume 23, Issue 4, July 2023, 15,
Tunby, Paige, Nichols Justin, Kaphle Asmita, Khandelwal Aashish Sanjay, Van Horn David J., González-Pinzón Ricardo. 2023. Development of a general protocol for rapid response research on water quality disturbances and its application for monitoring the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA. Frontiers in Water, Vol 5.
Wearing, H., Colella, J., Cook, J., Monfils, A., Camacho, A., Lazar, A., Souza-Gudinho, F. (2023). Sin Nombre Hantavirus in the US. Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Education, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/KSMH-QX61
Willson, Kevin G., Matthew D. Hurteau. Recurrent managed wildfire buffers trees from the effects of multiyear drought events, Final Report. 2023. Joint Fire Science Program, US Government.
Wymore, A. S., Larsen, W., Kincaid, D. W., Underwood, K. L., Fazekas, H. M., McDowell, W. H., Desneiges S. Murray, Arial J. Shogren, Shannon L. Speir, Alex J. Webster. (2023). Revisiting the origins of the power-law analysis for the assessment of concentration-discharge relationships. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR034910.
For a full list of our department's publications, visit our Zotero Library
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