Biology B.A., B.S. degree requirements to change starting Fall 2023
Posted: Mar 22, 2023 - 08:00am

Dear Biology Undergraduate Students,
As many of you have heard or will hear soon, the UNM Biology Department is updating the degree plan for BS & BA BIOL to begin Fall 2023. The faculty have worked very hard on this redesign and are looking forward to sharing it with you. As a current BIOL student, you will have the option to stay in your current degree plan or update to the new catalog year.
To give you the most information possible, the department is planning to host some Information Sessions to present the new curriculum directly to you. There will be pizza, and we highly recommend that you plan to attend one of these:
March 27 2-4 PM CAST 55 (see video of session here)
March 29 2-4 PM CAST 55
April 3 2-4 PM Cast 55
On this page, you will be able to find the most updated Degree Path and FAQ for this transition:
(See "B.A. and B.S. Changes Fall 2023" and "FAQ on Biology Major Changes")
Additionally, some course numbers will be changing (regardless of catalog). Please speak to an advisor and look at the "BA and BS Changes Fall 23" document and FAQ for the new course numbers you should plan to take for Fall 23. We are working on an updated track sheet for you that should be posted soon.
We can answer general questions via email, but for your individualized degree planning, as always, please make an appointment with us in LoboAchieve or by calling 505-277-4621 and we can look at what degree plan will be the best for you!
Kristian, Tyler, Lili, & Denise
Biology Advisement