This month in publications...
Posted: Nov 14, 2022 - 12:00pm

Here are some of the publications from the month of October that are authored by UNM Biology's faculty, staff, and students:
Beckman, EJ (Beckman, Elizabeth J.); Campos, WV (Vargas Campos, Walter); Benham, PM (Benham, Phred M.); Schmitt, CJ (Schmitt, C. Jonathan); Cheviron, ZA (Cheviron, Zachary A.); Witt, CC. 2022. Selection on embryonic haemoglobin in an elevational generalist songbird. BIOLOGY LETTERS, 18(10): 20220105.
Christofferson RC, Wearing HJ, Turner EA, Walsh CS, Salje H, Tran-Kiem C, Cauchemez S. 2022. How do i bite thee? let me count the ways: Exploring the implications of individual biting habits of Aedes aegypti for dengue transmission. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 16(10): e0010818.
Dunlop, R., Gannon, W.L., Kiley-Worthington, M., Hill, P.S.M., Wessel, A., Thomas, J.A. (2022). Vibrational and Acoustic Communication in Animals. In: Erbe, C., Thomas, J.A. (eds) Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1. Springer, Cham.
Eliason CM, Taylor Hains, Jenna McCullough, Michael J Andersen, Shannon J Hackett. 2022. Genomic novelty within a “great speciator” revealed by a high-quality reference genome of the collared kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris collaris). G3, 12(11), jkac260.
Erbe C, Micheal L Dent, William L Gannon, Robert D McCauley, Heinrich Römer, Brandon L Southall, Amanda L Stansbury, Angela S Stoeger, Jeanette A Thomas. 2022. The Effects of Noise on Animals. In: Erbe, C., Thomas, J.A. (eds) Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1. Springer, Cham.
Gannon, W.L., Dunlop, R., Hawkins, A., Thomas, J.A. 2022. Collecting, Documenting, and Archiving Bioacoustical Data and Metadata. In: Erbe, C., Thomas, J.A. (eds) Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1. Springer, Cham.
Garcia B, Fen Dong, Elisa Casadei, Julien Rességuier, Jie Ma, Kenneth D. Cain, Pedro A. Castrillo, Zhen Xu, Irene Salinas. 2022. A Novel Organized Nasopharynx-Associated Lymphoid Tissue in Teleosts That Expresses Molecular Markers Characteristic of Mammalian Germinal Centers. The Journal of Immunology, ji2200396.
Goodwin MJ, Lucy P Kerhoulas, Harold S J Zald, Malcolm P North, Matthew D Hurteau. 2022. Conifer water-use patterns across temporal and topographic gradients in the southern Sierra Nevada, Tree Physiology, tpac124.
Gries C, Paul Hanson, Margaret O'Brien, Mark Servilla, Kristin Vanderbilt, Robert Waide. 2022. The Environmental Data Initiative: connecting the past to the future through data reuse. Authorea.
Hewitt, R. E., Day, N. J., DeVan, M. R., Taylor, D. L. 2022. Wildfire impacts on root-associated fungi and predicted plant–soil feedbacks in the boreal forest: Research progress and recommendations. Functional Ecology, 00, 1-16.
Kearns PJ, Winter AS, Woodhams DC, Northup DE. 2022. The Mycobiome of Bats in the American Southwest is Structured by Geography, Bat Species, and Behavior. Research Square
Ladouceur, E (Ladouceur, Emma); Blowes, SA (Blowes, Shane A.); Chase, JM (Chase, Jonathan M.); Clark, AT (Clark, Adam T.); Garbowski, M (Garbowski, Magda); Alberti, J (Alberti, Juan); Arnillas, CA (Arnillas, Carlos Alberto); Bakker, JD (Bakker, Jonathan D.); Barrio, IC (Barrio, Isabel C.); Bharath, S (Bharath, Siddharth); Borer, ET (Borer, Elizabeth T.); Brudvig, LA (Brudvig, Lars A.); Cadotte, MW (Cadotte, Marc W.); Chen, QQ (Chen, Qingqing); Collins, SL (Collins, Scott L.); Dickman, CR (Dickman, Christopher R.); Donohue, I (Donohue, Ian); Du, GZ (Du, Guozhen); Ebeling, A (Ebeling, Anne); Eisenhauer, N (Eisenhauer, Nico); Fay, PA (Fay, Philip A.); Hagenah, N (Hagenah, Nicole); Hautier, Y (Hautier, Yann); Jentsch, A (Jentsch, Anke); Jonsdottir, IS (Jonsdottir, Ingibjorg S.); Komatsu, K (Komatsu, Kimberly); MacDougall, A (MacDougall, Andrew); Martina, JP (Martina, Jason P.); Moore, JL (Moore, Joslin L.); Morgan, JW (Morgan, John W.); Peri, PL (Peri, Pablo L.); Power, SA (Power, Sally A.); Ren, ZW (Ren, Zhengwei); Risch, AC (Risch, Anita C.); Roscher, C (Roscher, Christiane); Schuchardt, MA (Schuchardt, Max A.); Seabloom, EW (Seabloom, Eric W.); Stevens, CJ (Stevens, Carly J.); Veen, GF (Veen, G. F. (Ciska)); Virtanen, R (Virtanen, Risto); Wardle, GM (Wardle, Glenda M.); Wilfahrt, PA (Wilfahrt, Peter A.); Harpole, WS (Harpole, W. Stanley). 2022. Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment. ECOLOGY LETTERS.
Larsen, O.N., Gannon, W.L., Erbe, C., Pavan, G., Thomas, J.A. (2022). Source-Path-Receiver Model for Airborne Sounds. In: Erbe, C., Thomas, J.A. (eds) Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1. Springer, Cham.
Lepori-Bui, M (Lepori-Bui, Michelle); Paight, C (Paight, Christopher); Eberhard, E (Eberhard, Ean); Mertz, CM (Mertz, Conner M.); Moeller, HV (Moeller, Holly V.). 2022. Evidence for evolutionary adaptation of mixotrophic nanoflagellates to warmer temperatures. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY.
Madhusudhana, S., Gianni Pavan, Lee A. Miller, William L. Gannon, Anthony Hawkins, Christine Erbe, Jennifer A. Hamel & Jeanette A. Thomas. 2022. Choosing Equipment for Animal Bioacoustic Research. In: Erbe, C., Thomas, J.A. (eds) Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1. Springer, Cham.
Mani A, Salinas I. 2022. The knowns and many unknowns of CNS immunity in teleost fish. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 131:431-440.
Nichols J, Aashish Khandewal, Peter J Regier, Betsy Summers, David Van Horn, Ricardo Gonzales-Pinzon. 2022. The understudied winter: evidence of how precipitation differences affect stream metabolism in a headwater. Frontiers in Water, 4: PNNL-SA-177552.
Oswald, J.N., Erbe, C., Gannon, W.L., Madhusudhana, S., Thomas, J.A. (2022). Detection and Classification Methods for Animal Sounds. In: Erbe, C., Thomas, J.A. (eds) Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1. Springer, Cham.
Pinto, HA (Pinto, Hudson A.); Mati, VLT (Mati, Vitor L. T.); Melo, AL (Melo, Alan L.); Brant, SV (V. Brant, Sara). 2022. A putative new genus of avian schistosome transmitted by Biomphalaria straminea (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Brazil, with a discussion on the potential involvement in human cercarial dermatitis. PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 90:102607.
For a full list of our department's publications, visit our Zotero Library
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